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April 2022 - “Wombs Without Borders”

Once upon a time inside a womb, 
we have all been.
We've all experienced the ability of our different parts, even contradictions, to come together, not-in competition, but completion.

If we allow this to exist among us, beyond only the female bodies, we can shift;
we can change the end: from harm to harmony.  

   On April 7th, 15 days before Earth-day, we invite you to actively share your words from your heart and/or womb in a “Wombs Without Borders” Womb Circle.

   A Womb circle is a Listening Circle, based on the guidelines* of Indigenous traditional Talking Circles, handed to us by Elder Rita Blumenstein.( * Here are the Guidelines of Indigenous traditional Talking Circles)

  1st hour: our facilitators will co-create a Listening Circle, sharing from their hearts and wombs, while the dozens of other people present are holding the space with deep listening. (Only this part will be recorded and available on Youtube, viewable to others, so that they too could receive the nourishment of sacred collective feminine energy, by witnessing it, while helping to hold in deep listening and to protect that sacred space.)
  2nd hour: The audience on zoom will split into smaller breakout rooms, in which each facilitator will hold an intimate Talking Circle with a small group. (YouTube recording ends to honor confidentiality and intimacy.)

In the second hour, Zoom participants will be able to choose whether to join a break-out-room (BOR) held by one of our woman Elders/facilitators who created the central circle. Here you can share in an all-women or all-gender circle.
  If you are triggered or need to be held without touch - go to our Present-Heart-Room.   
  You can also choose the Main-Room if you want to just listen to music without talking.

* BOR: Since we would like to have circles peace and acceptance of all genders, while still allowing everyone to feel safe, we'll have Break-Out-Room circles for women-only, and circles for all genders. If you'd like to be in a break-out-room with women-only, please type that in the zoom chat-box at the beginning of the event to our tech-host.

* Main Room: Music will be played in the main room throughout the second hour, so if you don't want to be in the BOR, and prefer to dance, or silently listen to the music and to your heart - this is the place to do so.

* Present Heart Room (PH room): At any point after the 1st hour, if you feel triggered or overwhelmed, ask our tech-host to go here. (If you are in a BOR, click "leave room" first).
In the safety of this space, participants can come to be witnessed, held without touch, like a womb; without attempts to advice/fix/mend/heal/judge. Then, they may become the supportive wall of that womb if someone needs to be held in it.
Yael will be holding that space.

Watch the April 2022 womb-circle HERE .

March 8

Wombs Beyond Borders

April 9

Voices of Wisdom Keepers - premiere