Past Events & Recordings

December Solstice WOP Circle

December Solstice WOP Circle

A Pendulum's Dance

How do we find balance?

What are the gifts of imbalance?

What are the gifts of stillness?

Who swings the pendulum?

Our Women Wisdom Keepers will go on a live exploration in celebration of the

Solstice to look at the swing of the pendulum in ancient teachings and current

lived experiences. This time we will all listen-in for the first hour to allow Spirit to

move through our speakers into words to be shared with our circle. The second

hour would be dedicated to breakout rooms where we all get to share and explore


You are FREELY invited to be part of our WOMBS OF PEACE movement in

celebration of the Solstice.

Join us on:

Sunday, Dec. 22, 2024

8:00am Pacific

Convert to your time zone Here

Register for our Zoom, Here:


Social media link:

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December Moon WOP Circle

December Moon WOP Circle


What do we belong to?

What makes us belong?

What makes you an outsider?

What makes you an insider?

Does belonging depend on us?

Who decides where we belong?

Our Women Wisdom Keepers will go on a live exploration to look at BELONGING in ancient teachings and current lived experiences, as we all listen-in, and allow Spirit to move through our speakers into words to be shared with our circle.

You are FREELY invited to be part of our WOMBS OF PEACE movement towards the Full Moon, once more.

Join us on: Sunday, December 8th, 2024 at 12:30pm Pacific

Convert to your time zone here:

Social media link:

Additionally! Please mark your calendars for a WINTER SOLSTICE special circle - Saturday, December 21st, 12:30pm PT.

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October Moon WOP Circle

October Moon WOP Circle

How to Find Ground in the Eye of a Storm?
What is the storm?
When you're pulled every which way - what keeps you centered?
Is the ground always under you?
What's between Grounding and Earthing?

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September Moon WOP Circle

September Moon WOP Circle

Fear anyone?
Who's afraid of (whatever you're afraid of)?
What's the blessing in fear?
What has fear taught you?
How do you face fear? Do you overcome it?
What does your fear mean to you?

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WILD12 - 12th World Wilderness Congress
to Aug 31

WILD12 - 12th World Wilderness Congress

  • Black Hills, South Dakota USA (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

GCILL is proud to co-organize WILD12 alongside The WILD Foundation and the Congress host: the Sicangu Lakota Oyate Treaty Council. Featuring Indigenous Leadership in the plenary, Global Indigenous Sessions, Indigenous knowledge exchange, and ceremonies & exhibitions, hundreds of people from around the world will participate in resolutions and outcomes to influence worldwide wilderness preservation that respects and honors Indigenous stewardship.

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Transformative Learning Foundation Presents: Being a Real Human Being, in partnership with Wisdom Weavers of the World

Transformative Learning Foundation Presents: Being a Real Human Being, in partnership with Wisdom Weavers of the World

Transformative Learning Foundation (TLF) is proud to host an Elder’s Wisdom Share with the Wisdom Weavers of the World, an initiative of The Global Center for Indigenous Leadership & Lifeways (GCILL).

Join us online to hear Indigenous leaders from many cultures speak on the urgent need to create relationships that sustain Life for future generations. Their presentation will be followed by a Q&A session with questions from the audience.

This is a give-what-you-can event (no one turned away for lack of funds).

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July Moon WOP Circle

July Moon WOP Circle

Our Women Wisdom Keepers will go on a live exploration of Going For It vs Letting Go, exploring what Surrender and Victory mean to them, letting Spirit move them as they speak.

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Wombs of Peace for World Peace and Prayer Day

Wombs of Peace for World Peace and Prayer Day

Wombs of Peace (WOP) is joining forces with World Peace and Prayer Day (WPPD), on Summer Solstice and the full moon, in a WOP circle dedicated to the Holy-Land:

For WPPD, we'll hold a WOP circle looking at the Holy Land from a different perspective: we will NOT look through the immediate "Now" lens. Rather, we will cast a broad, tectonic look at the magnitude of magnetic energies that the Holy Land holds, attracts, and can birth.

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June Moon WOP Circle

June Moon WOP Circle

What is time?
Is time linear? Is time a construct? Is time necessary?
Who invented time, and who does it serve?
Can we save time? Waste time? Spend time?
Can we create time? Stop it? Go back in time? Accelerate time? What is it Time for...?

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Post-Traumatic Growth Global Summit 2024
to Jun 16

Post-Traumatic Growth Global Summit 2024

Explore Transformation through the Power of Post-Traumatic Growth #posttraumaticgrowthglobalsummit through healing trauma for psychological growth, physical well-being, spiritual evolution, awakening, and more… 6 days starting June 11

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Living and Leading with Deep Resilience
to May 18

Living and Leading with Deep Resilience

Free Online Summit: In these times of destabilized climate, ecosystems, society, and geopolitics, we’re facing an unprecedented scale of disruption and loss. As social inequities and health issues grow, so do fear-based reactions. How can we live and lead as joyful, connected, loving human beings? We need resilience that can hold up under extreme conditions. We need Deep Resilience.

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April Moon WOP Circle

April Moon WOP Circle

Do we Need Ceremony? And does Ceremony Need us?
Who does Ceremony serve?
What's between intention, prayer, ceremony, ritual?
What is a memorable ceremony you were a part of?

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February Moon WOP Circle

February Moon WOP Circle

Sun & Stars: What is our relationship with the universe?

After visiting our relationship with the Moon in January, we expand our curiosity and exploration to all corners of the universe. How do we relate to the vastness within which our lives unfold?

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Rise of Wise Women’s Prayer

Rise of Wise Women’s Prayer

The vision of women praying together is a vision that many of us see, hold and walk.

This is an urgent call to bring this vision to life, since the situation here, in the holy land, and in other places in the world, has reached a chaos that has no words.

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