Our Focus Areas
Indigenous Elder Wisdom
Individual & Community Wellness
Relationship with Mother Earth
Restoring the Feminine
Sacred Feminine & Masculine
Indigenous Elder Wisdom
Elders from around the world have read the signs of the times, and understand what it is we are facing as human beings at this time. Great changes are occurring on Mother Earth, and these changes are intensifying. These signs pose an urgent call: The time is now to vigorously restore our ceremonies, language, rites of passage, stories, art, prayer chants and songs, and Original Instructions given to the real human beings of all nations. Through sharing Elder wisdom online and in-person, important exchanges occur. Stories, prophecies and ceremonies are shared that can guide us through these times. Thank you for taking your time with what is here.
“There is no First Nation without their significant gift. When the leaders of all traditions open their hearts and minds to share their ways in sacred gatherings, all will begin to see the importance of the traditions and gifts they carry, like pieces of a puzzle put back together. We cannot see the meaning of one piece until all the other pieces are put in place. It is time now to bring your part to share in the Great Council of Spirit that is mobilizing around the world.”
- Ilarion Merculieff
Individual & Community Wellness
The Elders say we cannot offer the world that which we do not have… If I am internally in conflict, internally not in harmony, internally sick, internally without wisdom, how can I help others? So, the elders say the most unselfish act you can make for your people is to heal yourself so that you are a real human being again. When thought, feelings, words, behavior, and actions are all in alignment with our hearts, when the heart tells the mind what to do, and we are present in the moment, we step back into our true being-ness, and we “Walk In Beauty.” This is the basis for true intelligence of the real human being. This intelligence is not in the head as taught by Western society, but in the body, and only when we slip out of our thoughts. We used to use all the senses and abilities of the body—smell, taste, hearing, sight, touch, feeling, intuition, dreams, and the ability to be present in the moment—out of thought—to know and understand ourselves and the world around us. We are called to return to these ways of knowing and to take our place as the real human being. This is something we must do. And it is the most selfless self-serving act we can make.
“No community can exist in our minds without what we call the ‘qualities of the real human being’, which is open heartedness and total acceptance and support of each other.”
— Ilarion Merculieff
We have learned that the spiritual healing of each individual is central to the healing of the whole community and the elimination of conflict… The underlying cause for personal and external conflict is our disconnection from the sacred within all things. The fundamental cause of this disconnection stems from experiences that wounded our souls. The healing that wisdomkeepers talk about is the process of reconnecting to the sacred within all life, beginning with each of us.
Relationship with Mother Earth
Western understanding of the environment is limited de facto because the language and cultural system on which it is based are rooted in a fundamental lie that human beings are separate from the Natural world. In contrast, the world over, Indigenous worldviews and lifeways demonstrate the non-duality of humanity and the rest of creation. In the English language, it is difficult to even speak of any aspect of creation without affirming this separation. For example, when we speak of the aspects of Nature that we need for survival, like “wood” and “food,” we don’t use the words that actually describe the living system, words like “tree,” “nourishment given from the Earth.” This may sound weird to a Western ear, but no stranger than a word like “wood” sounds to Indigenous Peoples. It is important to understand how the language reflects our worldview and what we are up against as we attempt to integrate a deeper and more holistic understanding of the environment and our role going forward in the 21st Century. We are facing unprecedented challenges that, according to prophecies from the Four Corners, are only expected to intensify. The fundamental belief and experience that we exist “separate” from creation is the root cause of all of our suffering. It is only through regaining the knowing of our oneness, experiencing, literally, non-separation, that we will be able to come back into balance, restore what Mother Earth is calling for and heal ourselves, our communities and our world.
“In these prophetic times, where human beings are pushing Mother Earth’s life support systems to the brink, it is imperative to do whatever is possible to elevate human consciousness. We must heal separation from self, from one other and Mother Earth. This separation is the root cause for all the human dysfunctions that are destroying Mother Earth and ourselves.”
— ILARION MERCULIEFF, on Oren Lyons on climate change, PTN.org
Restoring the Feminine
“The original instructions come from what my people call the Womb at the Center of the Universe.
And the identical field is in every woman and every female. For humanity to heal from the great masculine imbalance (which we have all been in for the last thousands of years), women need to come together in true sisterhood, conduct ceremony, and collectively put this energy outside themselves, so a sacred container will be created for something new to be birthed. Men’s role is to protect that space for women to do their sacred work. Without that, humanity will cease to exist.”
~Ilarion ‘Kuuyux’ Merculieff
“This is the time of the woman. This is the time of the feminine.”
~ Grandmother Mona Polacca, Chair of the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers
Sacred Feminine & Masculine
Merculieff’s belief is that without changing consciousness, we are doomed to continue repeating past mistakes in dealing with the environment and our relationships with all life. Key to this effort is to help people to restore their sense of the sacred feminine personally and collectively. Indigenous prophecies, particularly from the Hopi and Maori say that women will be restored to their place as original healers during this time, and that women will lead the way into a higher consciousness. The role of men is to protect the sacred space of women so they can do their work. As a man, Merculieff feels he can help these unfoldings by speaking publicly about these matters, and his background and orientation require that he work collaboratively, only speak where he is invited and can work in creative partnership with the feminine. Ilarion first presented on the Sacred Feminine, at a gathering hosted by the International Council of the Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers in Anchorage, Alaska in the summer of 2011, at the request of some of the grandmothers. With their encouragement, he continues to share these messages with the world.