Wisdom Weavers of the World
Wisdom Weavers of the World is a collaborative project that brings together Elders and Earth activists to share Indigenous wisdom and sacred teachings. We host events to gather with one another and produce recordings to share messages that help shift consciousness and instructions for how to live in balance and harmony with the natural world.
As humanity stands at a crossroads, 13 Indigenous Elders from diverse cultures around the globe gather in Hawai’i to discuss the state of the world and invited the filming of their councils and ceremonies to co-create a message for humankind.
The message that was born may be critical for survival of the human race…
Our Mission
In a time where humanity is seeking answers, Wisdom Weavers has set out to remind you to look within.
We are a multicultural council of Elders and Earth activists sharing Indigenous wisdom and sacred teachings. We love this Earth as our home, so we gather with trust and urgency in this time to pray and discuss how we may respond rather than react to the changes occurring.
We gather to guide each other back home into the heart. We connect, as people of all colors, creeds, and origins, weaving a web of living, breathing wisdom around the world. This web unites us in awareness, awakens our collective memory, and activates the unique gifts that we call upon to create the world we wish to see.
Together, we rise through this shift.
Together, we let illusion fall away.
Together, we remember who we truly are.
Together, we may find the keys to unlocking this great mystery…
Our Origins
It all began with a vision.
Imagine: It’s 2017 and Earth’s temperature is rising. Ilarion Merculieff, “Kuuyux,” Alaskan Unangan traditional and environmental leader, receives a message from spirit to gather 13 Elders from all four directions around the world to council on two questions:
"How do you see the current state of the Earth?
What do we need to do, now?"
Through four sacred days and nights on the fertile island of Kauai, diverse ancient teachings came together. Daily councils, ceremonies, and discussions revealed the presence of outstanding overlapping themes amongst every cultural heritage… and yet, profoundly, each Elder held a different piece of the puzzle.
And, like the emergence of light after a long, dark night of the soul, a unified message for humanity was born: Drop into your heart.
This is the message of the Wisdom Weavers of the World. Journey with us to uncover the meaning for yourself and add your voice to our ever-evolving collective story.

From time to time, we offer talking circles with a variety of Elders.
Talking circles are a traditional indigenous form of community connection and sharing. These circles differ from the usual speaker-audience format of many webinars, as here, attendees are often active participants.
The tone of the space created in these groups is open-heartedness and authentic self-sharing, in which we speak and listen from the heart rather than the mind. We feel ourselves as a collective field, and allow a deeper current to arise and express through us. We share our vulnerable emotions, our dreams, our truth, our heart-essence. In a short time, we realize that strangers have become friends.
These events are facilitated by the Wisdom Weavers team to cultivate global connection, and often feature elders who open and support the circle by presenting core themes and reflections.
In dedication to building bridges for connection between Indigenous Elders and people around the planet, we offer monthly Elders' Wisdom Shares.
Indigenous elders hold ancient wisdom that is crucial for the healing and evolution of humanity and for the world we are learning to live in. They are ready and willing to share this wisdom with the world.
Elders' Wisdom Shares are virtual events in which one or more elders is featured as the main speaker(s) of that event. The elders discuss themes with each other and with Wisdom Weavers facilitators. You will come away from these events learning more about the elder, their culture, and the personal messages they have for all people across all cultures.
December 21: Solstice Elders Council (Watch Here)
April 9th: “Voices of the Wisdom Keepers” Premiere (More Details Here)
November 18th-21st: Into the Heart: Indigenous Pathways to Love
11.18 Opening Ceremony (Watch Here)
11.18 Elder’s Circle (Watch Here) and (Watch Here)
11.18 Music Performances & Sharing Circle (Watch Here)
11.19 Eclipse North & South Elder’s Circle (Watch Here)
11.19 DeAnna L’am: World Womb Workshop (Watch Here)
11.19 Musical Performance by Libby Roderick (More Details Here)
11.20 Elder’s Talking Circle on Brave Compassion (Watch Here)
11.20 DeAnna L’am: Healing the Inner Child Workshop (Watch Here)
11.20 Evening Sharing Circle (Watch Here)
11.21 Elder’s ‘Fruits & Seeds’ Offering Circle (Watch Here)
11.21 Closing Ceremony
October 21st: Acknowledge the Wound: Beginning Pathways to Forgiveness and Peace (Watch Here)
September 21st: Pathways to Love: Into the Heart with Elders (Watch Here)
June 19th-22nd: Summer Solstice Prayers for Global Peace, Kauai
November 1st-4th: WWW Council Gathering, Kauai (More Details Here)