Moon WOP (Wombs of Peace) Circle: Oct 13th
How to Find Ground in the Eye of a Storm?
What is the storm?
When you're pulled every which way - what keeps you centered?
Is the ground always under you?
What's between Grounding and Earthing?
We'll begin with personal stories from the eye of the storm in the holy-land by Muna and Eva who are there, and Yael who recently returned.
Our Women Wisdom Keepers will go on a live exploration to look at Grounding and Finding Ground – in ancient teachings and current lived experiences, as we all listen-in, and allow Spirit to move through our speakers into words to be shared with our circle.
You are FREELY invited to be part of our WOMBS OF PEACE movement towards the Full Moon, once more.
Co-Creating a Sustainable Future: A Conversation between Shariff Abdullah and Indigenous Elder, Ilarion Kuuyux Merculieff