Register in advance for this meeting here !
Hello our other self,
During these times, many feel lost, hurt, aggressive or attacked.
There is another way, we once knew:At our very beginning, in our mothers’ wombs, we were floating in a magical all-feminine container that expended itself, unconditionally, to accept an other-self, without judgement. There, even contradictions co-existed, allowing our different parts to come together, unite, and bring us - as a new life - into existence.
We, Women, who have it in us, can co-create such a place, beyond ourselves. Energetically.
This Earth Day calls for a Womb-Circle.A Womb-Circle is when women come together, in true sisterhood, to co-create a circle, based on the guidelines* of Indigenous traditional Talking Circles, handed to us by our Elder Grandmother Rita Blumenstein.
1st hour: 10 powerful facilitators will co-create a Talking Circle, sharing from their hearts and wombs, while the dozens of other women present are holding the space with deep listening. (Only this part will be recorded and available on Youtube, viewable by others, including men, so that they can get a sense of sacred collective feminine energy, by witnessing only.)
2nd hour: The audience on zoom will split into smaller breakout rooms, in which each facilitator will hold an intimate Talking Circle with a small random group. (YouTube recording ends to honor confidentiality and intimacy.)
Event Time and Date : Apr 22, 2021 1:30-3:30pm PT. [[ See your your local time here ]]
Register in advance for this meeting:* Womb-Circle Guidelines:
In the zoom-registration form you'll be able to suggest adjustments to the Circle's guidelines. The guidelines are:
** At the beginning of every Talking Circle, the facilitator will read aloud theses guidelines (like a host sets the table for the meal). **THIS IS A TALKING CIRCLE. Let the Circle do the talking,
while we are all doing the listening from our hearts and wombs. So, words may come through your other-self, or through you - yet, the listening is constant, as if you are the audience, even when speaking.Respect: Respect other-selves, time and attention, and self: Mind the limited time and attention we all have. Avoid extensive metaphors and explanations. Trust everyone in the circle and outside of it with respect. Speak only for and of yourself, Do-not mention any other name.
Truths: Make room for different truths. Share only what you know to be true for yourself, by your own lived experience. Your truth may be different or opposite to mine, but just as valid. When your other-self speaks, listen like a child hearing something for the first time, appreciating what may touch your heart in that other person’s truth.
Listen without agenda:
Listen with innocence! Listen without titles, flags, or agendas. This sacred space is NOT for: marketing, lecturing, correcting, counseling, or repeating things that have already been said. Listen without planning your reply.Listen without judgement:
Avoid countering someone else’s truth. Simply lay your truth next to theirs like dishes in a potluck. Allow differences and contradictions to co-exist, while we all grow and expand.Circular Speaking: The circle can go around several times or until everyone has had at least one opportunity to speak. When someone speaks, the others do not interfere, but listen from the heart.
* You are under no-obligation to speak. Even if you choose to not-speak - you will be heard.Confidentiality: Anything that happens in the circle stays in the circle, and is not to be discussed outside the circle.
Changes: These principals may be changed or added to if someone suggests changes and the entire group agrees.
[- In the registry form you will be asked about suggesting changes to these guidelines.]
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email titled: Earth Day Womb Circle Confirmation with information about joining the meeting.
On April 23rd, the day after our womb circle, at Noon Pacific time [ click for your local time ] Kuuyux will give a talk (+ short Q&A) about:
The Sacred Masculine - from the Wounded to the Healed Masculine.
If you’d like to honor us with your presence at this event -please write to us at: , and we'll get back to you with details on that.